Pressure Washing 101

How much do Pressure Washers Make?

How much do Pressure Washers Make?

How much do pressure washers make in terms of money? It’s a great job to have for those who like to be outdoors and are willing to work hard. There are many opportunities for those who want to start their own power washing business. With the right training and experience, you could make a good income as a power washer.

Many power washing businesses are only open during the busy season, which is typically in the spring and summer months. During this time, there are many houses that need to be cleaned from pollen buildup from trees and cars that have been sitting all winter without being washed.

How much do pressure washers make?
Pure water pressure washing with pure water tank

In order to make a reasonable income as a power washer, you will need plenty of customers. In the beginning, it may be difficult to get work since you don’t have any references yet or a long list of happy customers. The good thing about this job is that you can often find enough business during slow seasons by going door to door offering your services in your local neighborhood.

As a power washer, you should expect to earn minimum wage when working for someone else. If you are starting your own business, you could potentially earn even more depending on how much work you get. To save money for equipment and expand your clientele, consider asking local businesses if you can offer your services in exchange for advertising space. For example, if the power washing company cleans their parking lot, they can put up a sign saying “We use ABC power washing” which will provide free advertisement.

When starting out as a power washer, be sure to ask for references before taking on any jobs or contracts. Make sure the customer understands that you are still new at this job and don’t have any reviews yet. This way, there won’t be any hard feelings should something go wrong with the service provided by not knowing what you are doing.

Don’t forget to charge for any supplies you will need in order to do the job, such as water and power. It may be helpful to choose a flat rate rather than getting paid an hourly wage. This way, you can guarantee that you won’t pay more in electricity than your clients unless you’re able to keep up with the workload by charging per hour instead.

As with any new business, there will be some unexpected hurdles along the way when starting out as a power washer. The most common problem is not being able to get enough work during slow seasons if no one knows who you are yet. While it may be possible to make deals online or through word-of-mouth communication, don’t expect it to be easy.

Power washing is a great way to make money this year, but it can also lead to having enough extra income for things you’ve always wanted, such as a vacation. For those who are willing to work hard and have persistence, power washing may be the job you’ve been searching for your entire life!

If you are willing to put in the extra effort and hard work, don’t be discouraged by the challenges that may come your way when starting out as a power washer. If you need more advice or have additional questions about how much money can be made as a power washer, visit our website today

Pressure Washing Marketing Ideas
Marketing Pressure Washing Business

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